recently I read an article from one of the best islamic magazine in our country,SOLUSI...
i like the way they wrote it,
articles in there wrote with gaya bahasa yang sangat santai dan dekat dengan generasi muda..
but,i dont want to wrote about the magazine and its content..
there's and article about an issue who are so close to us,yet we just ignore it..
this issue been elaborated briliantly by the author..
stressing out that we,human have made love to be our main priority,whether we realised it or not..
the author also critised our environment,stating that entertainment industry seems had manipulated love up until
sickening and dangerous level...
it shows that love is the most sacred thing,untangible and too pure to be mix with other thing..
the most interesting thing is how the author stressed that love is a feeling that are a sacred given from god,ALLAH..
and without ALLAH guide,the love will took us away from HIM...
the author also stated that no matter how strong our love towards someone/something..
the most important thing is we must love ALLAH the most..
because there are zillion good reason why we should do so..
good muslim know why....
Bertemu Ahli Syurga?
3 days ago
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