aku mmg da lama nak komen isu niyh..
cuma xda masa jerk nak menulis..
isu aper??
kebelakangan ni,bila aku baca paper..aku agak terkejut dengan isu2 agama islam dikupas sewenang2nya..
turutama oleh NON-MUSLIM!!
i mean,i don't really care kalau orang islam yang mengupas sesuatu isu,dengan syarat mereka ada ilmu pengetahuan
tentang apa yang mereka cakap...(rujuk those so called 'sister in islam')..
tpi bila sebuah akhbar berbahasa inggeris pada awal tahun ini bertanyakan pendapat seorang KRISTIAN tentang isu sebat kartika..
dan dia mengkritik tindakan sebat kartika sebagai barbaric dan ketinggalan zaman..
itu satu perkara yang melampau!!
on my opinion,
the newspapers have bad intention by doing so...
why non-muslim???
why do we,muslim need an advice from a christian about our very OWN RELIGION??!!
do we ever banned any religious activities of other religion???
do we ever condemned any of it or question whether their action is relevant to modern society??
no and never!!
because islam guaranteed the rights of other religion..
we shall never questioned or condemned them..and we hope them to do so..
besides,i think it's violating our own perlembagaan,since it is stated that every religion have it's own rights to practise their religion..
i'm not anti christians,in fact i found that vast majority of them are so gentle and very kind..
but i'm disappointed when such thing happen,because i think it's an internal issue,
we doesn't need 'outsiders' to advice us..
alcohol might be okay for you guys,but it's a big sin for muslims,and kartika deserved a few canning so she would avoid
repeating it..
but,it think the main problem is back to us,muslim..
because we are straying away from ALLAH and HIS messenger path............
Bertemu Ahli Syurga?
1 day ago
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