a weird 'topic sentence',right??
this entry is about me for the past three month..
i really doesn't know what am i doing..
its like my mind is not focus on the right thing and i am not on the right track..
its like i've been left out by HIM..
or is it me who are too arrogant to turn to HIM??
why such thing happen to me???
why i having all of the difficulties and suffering???
maybe this is the karma given by HIM,to remind me that i have stray away from HIM..
because HE will never leave me..
HE will always be the most tender and the most kind to me..
HE will never leave me and will never act cruel to me..
HE,ALLAH the Almighty never leave us..
it is only we who leave HIM..
but yet,still HE love us,care about us,give us our needs..
not even one second HE forget us,but how many times a day we care about him??!!
..........................................(this is specially written for the owner of this blog,
may ALLAH forgive all of his SINS and accept his DUA'and GOOD DEEDS...)
Bertemu Ahli Syurga?
2 days ago
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