Jamak Kesuntukkan Masa : Minda Tajdid - Himpunan Fatwa: "Jamak Kesuntukkan Masa
Disiarkan pada Feb 15, 2009 dalam kategori Ibadah |
Soalan: Boleh seseorang yang amat tertekan dengan kesuntukan masa, seperti peperiksaan menjamakkan solatnya?
Jawapan: Supaya tidak terkeliru, terlebih dahulu diterangkan maksud jamak. Iaitu menghimpunkan dua solat pada satu waktu. Solat-solat yang diizinkan syarak untuk dihimpunkan itu ialah, Zohor bersama Asr dan Maghrib bersama Isyak.
Adapun qasar bermaksud meringkaskan solat yang empat rakaat kepada dua rakaat. Qasar diizinkan untuk mereka yang bermusafir. Keizinan jamak lebih luas daripada keizinan qasar.
Di mana seseorang boleh menjamakkan solatnya sekalipun dia tidak bermusafir disebabkan keadaan-keadaan tertentu, tetapi dia tidak boleh menqasarkannya. Ertinya dalam keadaan tertentu dia boleh menunaikan solat Asr dalam waktu Zohor iaitu selepas ditunaikan empat rakaat Zohor, dia menunaikan pula empat rakaat Asr.
Demikian juga dia boleh melakukannya pada waktu Asr, dengan cara melewatkan Zohor. Begitu juga Maghrib dan Isyak. Dalam hadith yang diriwayatkan al-Imam Muslim, daripada Sa’id bin Jubair meriwayatkan daripada Ibn ‘Abbas, katanya:
صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ الظُّهْرَ وَالْعَصْرَ جَمِيعًا بِالْمَدِينَةِ فِي غَيْرِ خَوْفٍ وَلَا سَفَرٍ قَالَ أَبُو الزُّبَيْرِ فَسَأَلْتُ سَعِيدًا لِمَ فَعَلَ ذَلِكَ فَقَالَ سَأَلْتُ ابْنَ عَبَّاسٍ كَمَا سَأَلْتَنِي فَقَالَ أَرَادَ أَنْ لَا يُحْرِجَ أَحَدًا مِنْ أُمَّتِهِ
“Rasulullah s.a.w bersolat Zuhur dan ‘Asar secara jamak di Madinah tanpa sebab ketakutan atau musafir”. Kata Abu Zubair: “Aku bertanya Sa’id mengapa Rasulullah s.a.w berbuat demikian?”. Jawabnya: “Aku pun pernah bertanya Ibn ‘Abbas seperti mana engkau bertanyaku, jawab Ibn ‘Abbas: “Kerana baginda mahu agar umatnya tidak beban”.Dalam riwayat Muslim yang lain, lafaznya:
جَمَعَ رَسُولُ اللَّهِ صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ بَيْنَ الظُّهْرِ وَالْعَصْرِ وَالْمَغْرِبِ وَالْعِشَاءِ بِالْمَدِينَةِ فِي غَيْرِ خَوْفٍ وَلَا مَطَرٍ
“RasululLah s.a.w solat Zohor dan Asr, Maghrib dan Isyak secara jamak di Madinah tidak kerana ketakutan, juga tidak kerana hujan”.
Hadith-hadith yang seumpama ini memberi kesimpulan kepada para fuqaha (ulama fekah) bahawa solat jamak boleh dilakukan disebabkan keuzuran-keuzuran tertentu, seperti sakit yang menyusahkannya, atau hujan bagi mereka bersolat jamaah di masjid, kesempitan waktu dan seumpamanya.
Hal-hal ini seperti mereka yang sakit yang menyukarkannya berwuduk atau bergerak maka bolehlah dia menjamakkan solatnya. Mereka yang terlibat dalam urusan-urusan yang tidak dapat ditinggalkan seperti pembedahan, menjaga lalu lintas, mengendalikan urusan yang bahaya, atau peralatan yang bahaya, terlibat dengan peperiksaan yang telah ditetapkan. Demikian juga bagi wanita yang bermusafir dengan bas awam yang menyusahkannya bersolat di tengah perjalanan, maka dia boleh menjamakkan solat sejak di rumahnya, tanpa qasar.
Begitulah juga dengan semua keadaan yang menyukarkan seseorang. Namun hendaklah dia mengutamakan menanaikan solat berdasarkan waktunya terlebih dahulu, jika menyukarkan maka ketika itu diizin.
Kitab-kitab fekah penuh memuatkan masalah ini, terutamanya dalam mazhab al-Imam Ahmad bin Hanbal. Antara Ibn Taimiyyah dalam al-Fatawa al-Kubra (2/348, cetakan Dar al-Kutub al-‘Ilmiyyah, Beirut) dan kitab-kitab lain. Dr. Yusuf al-Qaradawi menyebut perkara ini dalam Fatwa Mu‘asarah (1/245, cetakan Dar Uli al-Nuha, Beirut).
Allah Lebih Mengetahui
Dr. Mohd Asri Zainul Abidin"
Monday, March 29, 2010
Jamak Kesuntukkan Masa : Minda Tajdid - Himpunan Fatwa
Posted by mohd iduan at 2:05 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
kelemahan kita sendiri....
aku mmg da lama nak komen isu niyh..
cuma xda masa jerk nak menulis..
isu aper??
kebelakangan ni,bila aku baca paper..aku agak terkejut dengan isu2 agama islam dikupas sewenang2nya..
turutama oleh NON-MUSLIM!!
i mean,i don't really care kalau orang islam yang mengupas sesuatu isu,dengan syarat mereka ada ilmu pengetahuan
tentang apa yang mereka cakap...(rujuk those so called 'sister in islam')..
tpi bila sebuah akhbar berbahasa inggeris pada awal tahun ini bertanyakan pendapat seorang KRISTIAN tentang isu sebat kartika..
dan dia mengkritik tindakan sebat kartika sebagai barbaric dan ketinggalan zaman..
itu satu perkara yang melampau!!
on my opinion,
the newspapers have bad intention by doing so...
why non-muslim???
why do we,muslim need an advice from a christian about our very OWN RELIGION??!!
do we ever banned any religious activities of other religion???
do we ever condemned any of it or question whether their action is relevant to modern society??
no and never!!
because islam guaranteed the rights of other religion..
we shall never questioned or condemned them..and we hope them to do so..
besides,i think it's violating our own perlembagaan,since it is stated that every religion have it's own rights to practise their religion..
i'm not anti christians,in fact i found that vast majority of them are so gentle and very kind..
but i'm disappointed when such thing happen,because i think it's an internal issue,
we doesn't need 'outsiders' to advice us..
alcohol might be okay for you guys,but it's a big sin for muslims,and kartika deserved a few canning so she would avoid
repeating it..
but,it think the main problem is back to us,muslim..
because we are straying away from ALLAH and HIS messenger path............
Posted by mohd iduan at 8:12 AM 0 comments
solusi-cinta bukan tuhan..
recently I read an article from one of the best islamic magazine in our country,SOLUSI...
i like the way they wrote it,
articles in there wrote with gaya bahasa yang sangat santai dan dekat dengan generasi muda..
but,i dont want to wrote about the magazine and its content..
there's and article about an issue who are so close to us,yet we just ignore it..
this issue been elaborated briliantly by the author..
stressing out that we,human have made love to be our main priority,whether we realised it or not..
the author also critised our environment,stating that entertainment industry seems had manipulated love up until
sickening and dangerous level...
it shows that love is the most sacred thing,untangible and too pure to be mix with other thing..
the most interesting thing is how the author stressed that love is a feeling that are a sacred given from god,ALLAH..
and without ALLAH guide,the love will took us away from HIM...
the author also stated that no matter how strong our love towards someone/something..
the most important thing is we must love ALLAH the most..
because there are zillion good reason why we should do so..
good muslim know why....
Posted by mohd iduan at 8:12 AM 0 comments
rumah baru..
third day at home...
trial exams finished..
not so sure..
hopefully ok,insya~ALLAH..
and right know my family and I are busy to move into our new house..
my job is to paint the house with my brothers...
the first two day,I spent the the whole day painting it..
pheewww,so tired!!!
both my parents are so excited to move in,and I just can't stop smiling looking at them..
Posted by mohd iduan at 8:11 AM 0 comments
Friday, March 12, 2010
sedikit tersasar dari induknya..
a weird 'topic sentence',right??
this entry is about me for the past three month..
i really doesn't know what am i doing..
its like my mind is not focus on the right thing and i am not on the right track..
its like i've been left out by HIM..
or is it me who are too arrogant to turn to HIM??
why such thing happen to me???
why i having all of the difficulties and suffering???
maybe this is the karma given by HIM,to remind me that i have stray away from HIM..
because HE will never leave me..
HE will always be the most tender and the most kind to me..
HE will never leave me and will never act cruel to me..
HE,ALLAH the Almighty never leave us..
it is only we who leave HIM..
but yet,still HE love us,care about us,give us our needs..
not even one second HE forget us,but how many times a day we care about him??!!
..........................................(this is specially written for the owner of this blog,
may ALLAH forgive all of his SINS and accept his DUA'and GOOD DEEDS...)
Posted by mohd iduan at 8:02 AM 0 comments
jangan riak..
i vow to myself i try to fill up my blog with religious thing..
no chance at for anything 'lagha'=(meaningless) in it..
but rite know since a few of my friend told that their following my blog,
i felt like "1-giant-stone-fell-from-the-sky-and-smash-my-face"..
because its been a burden to me to make sure that they will gain something beneficial from my blog..
"argh,lantak la,bukan masalah ko pun..."
boleh ke fikir camtu??
sory bro,x smpai ati nak fikir camtu..
nak masuk syurga sama2 kot...
bukan solo-bolo jerk sume bende..
semayang sorang2 x sama ngan semayang jemaah.....
tpi 2 bukan masalah utama...
bila ibadah 2 dibuat dengan rasa riak,penat jela yang dapat beb..
si polan tulis benda2 baik dalam blog dia,tpi dia riak...
dia nak orang rasa dia alim,baik,beragama..tapi sebenarnya??
lebih kepada aku sendiri sebenarnya nasihat ni....hhuhuhuhu...
Posted by mohd iduan at 8:00 AM 0 comments
it's been a long time since the last time i'm updated my blog..
bz time for me..trial,frisbee..life...
3 month passes by macam air..
try to updated it right know..espcially when i knew a few people follow it..hehehe..
i'll say and wrote everything i able to..
Posted by mohd iduan at 7:59 AM 0 comments