i believe there will be a lot of people out there that wandering what's zietgiest all about..
i know maybe some people think that I am quite 'out-of-trend' because this movie was been produced a long time ago..
and so many people already watch it..
but I cannot stand and not giving any comment about it,because the danger in it is too great to be ignored..
first of all,FYI,zeitgest is a movie which is divided into three part..
2nd and 3rd part is about WTC conspiracy and the elites which controlling the world using banking system..
but the first part is the most,fascinating yet disgusting,i think..
because basically it denies the existence of God...not gods..GOD!!
for people who had watch it,don't get me wrong,I'm not defending the Christians and Jews..
I'm just hated with the way the made it..
mixing all the false accusations towards religions with the truth..
to manipulate people to think that there is no GOD!!
to achieve their own domination of this so called 'dun-ya'..(world)..
blindly making assumption that there's no GOD without any solid proof or justification..
in the first part,they try to use weak and pathetic method to proof that Jesus Christ,Noah and Moses not exist..
stating that the story about them in the Bible was an adaptation from the ancient myths from any great civilasations..
that Christians and Jews are a form of pagan ancient Egypt religion after some makeover..
they said Noah story was from the Gilgamesh epic,where also there are story about big floods..
they said that Moses and the ten commandments are inspired from ancient Greece myth..
that Jesus Christ is not real,just a character made up to controlled people's mind!!
what a great false they talk about!!
i'm feeling very offended with such accusation,because as Muslim,
all of them are great prophets to us,and all of them are from the very same god,the only GOD,the absolute,
to lead mankind to HIS way...
yet so many deny it....
on the other side,they throw in a bit of truth,causing confusion among us..
the council of Nicaea,who voted Jesus as as son of god(Nauzubillah)..its true..
the story of baby Moses in a basket flown into river..its true..
but they mix it with lies,lots of lies,and by doing so,people would just accepted that all of it are true!!
all that they want is people would strip away their religion,and focus more on worldly pleasure,
because religion help guide human to live a honorable life,not living like animal who only cares about
satisfying ones lust and worldly pleasure..
well,I don't saying that all religion are the same and all are good because it would be very-very wrong
for me to say that...but all religions does encourage it followers to do good deeds..
furthermore,all religion are from the same source,God,ALLAH..and as a Muslim I strongly believe all but Islam changed by man...
even so there is different in our faith,but the good values never do,and that shows how important religion in our life..
and those ELITES want to strip away that from you,so you would be a fools and continue to sleep..........
WAKE UP MY BELOVED BROTHERS AND SISTERS!!DON'T LET THEM FOOL YOU!!!!...find the truth..find the truth..find the truth...
Bertemu Ahli Syurga?
3 days ago
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