post ni maybe agak weird skit..
but mmg rasa nak tulis gak...sebab agak berkait rapat dengan hidup kita ni..
mgkin bukan semua orang,tpi ya bgi aku..
aku nak wat anouncement yang my all time favourite star wars movies is episode 3-Revenge Of The Sith...
aku tahu da lama da kowt movie ni keluar..
tahun 2005..
teringat dulu b4 pergi SASER tyme skola harian(SMKBBSB),berkejar blik umah semata2 nak tgok movie ni,hahaha..
tapi kenapa episode 3 hek??
sbb this is the most important one in the franchise...
the link between the 'new' star wars(1 and 2) and the 'old' one(4,5,6)..
in episode 3,we can see the birth oh Darth Vader,orang jahat yang x la berape jahat sebenarnya..
how Anakin Skywalker slowly but surely being swallow by the "dark side of the force" and under influence of Darth Sidious,
who by no coincidence at all is Chancellor Palpatine itself..
how to link all this to myself??
wwhat is the main purpose of Anakin 'jump' into the dark side and become a Sith Lord??
tto try save his wife,Padme..(who accidentally being murdered by him in intense anger),
the dark lord(Darth Sidious) twisted his mind into believing that he can save his wife and cheated death..
Yoda stated that anger,jealous,hatred,and fear(of loss) are the path that would lead to the dark side..
altogether with a strong influence by Darth Sidious is a perfect combination to the darkness..
this is not very much different from our life..
failure to understand our fate and resist to accept it would lead to 'darkness'..
a path that promises destruction and suffering for eternity(HELL)..
that is why the believing in 'Qada' and 'Qadar' is one of the main pillars of faith..
we as muslim should firmly believe that in every 'takdir' upon us,there is an ease and 'Hikmah' for each of it..
Anakin fail to understand that even so Padme died(as what he saw in his dream),there is a chance that it may not come true..
the fear of losing the loves one has blinded his mind and heart and subsequently to follow the dark path..
same goes with us..fear of everything but ALLAH would only lead to eternal suffer and away from the true path(Siratal Mustaqim)..
there are no concrite reason for us to blame anyone for the mistakes that we done..
and we should use our own mind(Aqal) to distinguish between good and evil,light and dark,true and false..
do you know who represent Darth Sidious in our life??
yes,there are no other than satan itself!!!
satan/dajjal anti-christ will always seduced you to live in darkness..
but it is you who will prove yourself against our own'dark lord'...
use your mind wisely,but made sure you are guided by faith,good deeds,al-quran and sunnah..
that would be our very own "the force" against the dark side and its lords....
Bertemu Ahli Syurga?
1 day ago
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